Sunday, February 12, 2012

How do I move my iTunes library from my Dell to my HP?

I just bought a new HP TouchSmart and need to know how I can move my iTunes library from the Dell to the HP? I have an iPod nano but it's not large enough to hold all my songs. Details please! Thank You!How do I move my iTunes library from my Dell to my HP?do you like the Hp Touch Smart? and you just gotta take a external hardrive they run about 50-90 dollars depending on how much space you need.

Export the source iTunes library as an XML file (File%26gt;Export Library…). This will create a file that holds information about the location, song filenames, and *song rating*! Replace the file paths in your XML file with the path that the songs from the source library will be in when you import them. This path may point to your FireWire Drive, a DVD you have burned, or a temporary folder on your hard drive that you have copied your music to. Just to be sure of the new path, copy one of the files from this location to your library, export your destination library, and look at the file path to that song in the resulting XML file. To actually replace the file paths, I did a Find/Change in TextWrangler. Set the preferences in iTunes in your source library to “Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library.” This is under “Advanced.” Import your library (File%26gt;Import). Delete redundant files. If you’re like me, you have some duplicate songs in your multiple libraries. This is a tedious task, but I plan to do it over time. Of course, you can prevent all of this by being organized in the first place. I probably should have just had an iPod that I synched with my home computer and brought to work.

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