Friday, January 20, 2012

What is online wrestling?

Hello. My name is Gerard and I am the proud owner of the INTERNET CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!

This fed was around under different management until it closed its doors about 8 years ago. We had a good core of about 15 good guys who all RPed our asses off continuously. Most of us were grammar school/high schoolers, and then once people started getting to college they no longer had time. We were all in similar age groups, so it all kind of fell apart at once. The owner had a domain for the site.

For about 3-4 years while RPing in ICW, I ran what was meant to be a developmental fed to ICW called IWF. It was good, but once the owner of ICW stopped paying the domain...I had all the fed files on there and before I had a chance to move them, they closed it down.

Anyway, this is ICW and I'm hoping to bring it back to the fame and prestige that it had back in the day, with a new spin on it now.

Date Opened: first card is 8.10.2011

-We have 1 show a week, 1 monthly PPV at which every title will be defended (real companies have gotten away from that concept for some reason)

-50 line RP minimum for the RP to count, but RPs based on quality, not quantity.

-no limit to number of RPs that can be done

-hand written results, storylines/segments/run ins, all results will be hand written. I want the good quality results to be what motivates people to keep RPing and doing it well

I don't expect people to do too many RPs right out of the gate - obviously I hope that changes as we grow - and some are having trouble coming up with 50 lines just for one, but either way, the RPs are based on quality, not quantity. So if one person does 3 or 4 decent RPs, to another person's 1 or 2 good/great RPs, then the person who did 1 or 2 will easily win. Quality of the promos and their talk about their opponent is the biggest thing we look at, and then the details of the settings and scenery. If the promos are close in quality but someone has the same old in ring promo versus someone who takes the time to do it somewhere else, in a new and unique fashion, then the person with the originality and creativity gets the edge in that one.

As far as the look of the site goes, I'm kind of an old school guy. Obviously I see that the game has changed since I ran one 6 years ago, but I had this layout and these logos sitting around so I thought I'd tweak it up a bit and use it. Everything is stored in an orderly fashion, it can be found easily. I just put up the first card event, set for August 10, 2011. Once those results go up, I am going to start archiving the results and possibly the cards also. Everything else...the link is self explanatory.

If theres someone who could make me a new logo I'd be willing to change the name to INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING or INSPIRATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING...somethi ng to that effect, because I know that INTERNET is out of date.

I've also got the old school boards, I want to see how people like them and how they work out. I am registered with some forums, but I personally like these ones that I have better than forums. I realize I'm stubborn and may have to make some changes to attract more, but like I kind of explained in the little info part above, I want people to be attracted and kept on the edge of their seats based on the quality of the results - matches and storylines - that get put out. This is an RP fed, but there will be storylines incorporated to keep things interesting. The matches will be won by whoever RPs better, and the storylines will be revolved around that.

I have brought my own character in - CrazzzyGerard - for the time being. I plan to phase him out once I get enough people actively RPing.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!

check it out! join if you like!



GerardWhat is online wrestling?

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