Friday, January 20, 2012

Interested in NYU or Columbia... have any advice?

I'm still feeling vague about my major to be honest, but I've always felt an affinity to New York. I'm hoping I won't be disappointed if I make it there, but I'd like to try anyway. I just started my junior year, I'm in the International Baccalaureate program. I have a weighted 4.162 (it dropped from 4.22 sophomore year due to some laziness) and about a 3.8 unweighted (this I'm unsure about but I believe it's around that range) however my PSAT scores are a little poor. Without prior preparation--I actually was briefly asleep during the two I took soph and freshman year, I scored a 1700-1850. I'm hoping with actual studying I'll hit at least 2000 but I'm crossing fingers for a 2200. My extended essay is probably going to be on mass hysteria/the Salem Witch trials. I'm a co-president and founder of a fashion/donation/DIY club, I work at a non-profit Writing Tutor Center headed by my high school's English department, applying for NHS (a mistake I should have done in soph year), math tutor to middle schoolers, art lessons from a group studio out of school, Treasure Trove (affiliated with Inova Hospital) occasional volunteer and Public Library volunteer. I am considering joining Amnesty International. I am also planning on dancing either in hip hop classes and/or for my high school's International Culture Night. I'm signed up to be a part of my high school's Film Club's Public Relations and upcoming Treasurer of dance classes being offered at school but those are still in the working. I will be graduating in 2012 with 150 hours of Creativity, Service, and Action if I continue the IB curriculum. I am thinking of making a study group in favor of upcoming SATs and I am in the Asia/Culture Club as well as Japanese Honor Society. My parents are saving for a one to two week language excursion in Tokyo for Summer 2011. I was a violinist the first two years of highschool but dropped it in favor of the IB curriculum (IB Japanese is not offered but I enjoy the language so I picked up French I %26amp; II for the ab initio test). When it comes to hobbies, I am exceptional at analytical work and creative writing but I prefer the latter. I also am decent in sketching but due to not being trained/practicing enough throughout high school, I have no portfolio and my painting skills are very weak. I am learning Korean on the side from a friend. I plan on double majoring in picking up some art classes in college just because I love it, but perhaps Psychology, Business, Architecture or Industrial Design as a second major. I'm hoping to score some scholarships since I'm aiming out of state (originally from Northern Virginia) so I'm a little nervous. I feel like I haven't prepped enough. I'm not really interested in UVA and VA Tech is my safety because I'm a legacy... Any tips/opinions on the colleges mentioned, out of state tuition/rent, and if I'm along the right path? I'd appreciate anything (sorry this is so long)--thanks in advance.Interested in NYU or Columbia... have any advice?
First of all, both of these institutions are there is no such thing as 'out-of-state' or 'in-state' tuition for them as all students are charged the same sticker price in tuition.

If you are hyping to score a scholarship to afford going to university then NYU is out of the question. They offer little to no financial aid to their students and their tuition is close to $50,000 per year. Add on top of that the cost of living in NYC. Columbia may be more likely to offer scholarships but i wouldn't get your hopes up too much. Even if you got a full-ride to Columbia the cost of living in NYC for four-years will cost you way more than going to an in-state public university for your degree. The only way students can afford to go to university in NYC is if mommy and daddy are footing the bill or they get themselves into an outrageous amount of student loan debt that will plague their lives for the next 10-20 years. Not worth it.

If money is an issue, apply to in-state public schools and private universities in cheap parts of the country, such as the Midwest and the South. You can move to NYC and EARN money there when you are done. Be smart...Interested in NYU or Columbia... have any advice?
i don't wanna give u a false verdict, but check out, make a profile there, and ask them what your chances are

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