Friday, January 20, 2012

Summer 2011 "Bucket List"?

I don't think it would actually be considered a "Bucket List", but I am coming up with a list of things I want to do before summer ends.. I want it to be around 100 ideas long, but I've only come up with 17:

-Don't eat any junk food for an entire week

-Learn how to skimboard and/or surf

-Go to this trampoline arena in my area

-Play laser tag

-Run a 5k race in less than 23min

-Go to a good concert

-Take 1000 pictures

-Look through some fashion mags and try to recreate some really cute looks for less


-Don't straighten/use heat on my hair as much/Grow my hair past my chest

-Bake (rainbow/tiedye cupcakes, cookie cake, crepes, etc.)

-Redecorate my room

-Get noticeably tanner

-Get my permit

-Sell something on eBay

-Organize music on my iPod

-Find/Go to a drive in movieSummer 2011 "Bucket List"?
I was doing the exact same thing and got stuck, too! Hahaha. You can check out my blog, it's got my list and everything. I haven't officially started yet, but the list is done and there are some pretty cool ideas on it if you want to check it out. :) 2011 "Bucket List"?
-Go on ALL the rides at a theme park

-Dress up your cat or dog (if you have one)

-Get a celebrity's autograph

-Do a 1000 piece puzzle

-Go to a waterpark with your friends

-Have one "Lazy Day" and maybe listen to Bruno Mars while you do that

-Create a Youtube video

-Get off the computer for one day or week.

-Post a video of you singing on the internet

Hope you enjoyed my ideas!!!


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