Monday, January 23, 2012

Am I richer then my friend?

Who's more spoiled? Me or my friend? Where both 17 and I'm just curious who's more spoiled,hotter,and richer? Who would you rather be also? And why? You can also rate both of us from 1-10.

My friend:

-is really tall (5'10!!!)

-is 170 ibs ( mostly muscle)

-has hazel eyes

-has sandy blonde skin that's usually tied in a pony tail

-has fair skin

-plays a lot of sports like basket ball,soft ball, and field hockey

-wears clothes from walmart (mostly swnecrophiliaceats she's not really into clothes)

-drives a 2008 gmc Acadia

-lives in a 2k square feet house

-has an iPhone 4g

-has a Mac book pro

- her room is kinda small but is pretty cool like furniture and stuff

-she doesn't travel much

-she doesn't drink (she's kinda wierd in that way like she's never had alcohol


-she has a job at the mall

-she sometimes goes through mood swings like one sec she is mad for no reason and another minture she's really happy

-her parents are really cheap they do make good money but they only take furniture from people who are about to throw it away.

-she doesnt date a lot of guys just a few


-im 5'3 (lol I'm small)

-I'm 138 ibs

-my eyes are chessnut

-I have olive/Lightish skin (I'm Italian and Irish)

-I have light brown hair with high lights

-I have clothes,sunglasses,shoes,perfume,and purses from abercrombie,Michael kors,hollister,A%26amp;E,lord and Taylor,coach bag, prada, and Macy's (im very into fashion)

-i also travel to different countries to get clothes and jewelry

-I drive a 2011 Infiniti fx50

-i live in a 7k square feet house

-I have a pretty big pool

-my parents are very extravagant

-my parents make a lot of money

-I don't have a job but my dad gives me $300 a week

-I stay in 5 star hotels

-I have a black berry torch

-I have a iPod touch (the older version)

-my room is pretty big but only becuz my dad had my room extended into another too

-it has a walk in closet

- I have a flat screen tv

-a Mac computer

-an iPad

-Many people have said I am the prettiest girl they have ever seen before

-i model

-I have a nice body (I wouldn't say like toned muscle but my body is very curvy)

-when ever i go to the mall atleast 10 modeling angencies beg me to sighn up

-once in a while I like to have a drink

-I've gotten drunk a few times but I'm not an alcoholic

-I've tried weed before only once it feels amazing but i don't want to get addicted

-I can be a little b!tchy and need every perfect but I try to control myself

-I've dated a lot of guys before|||Seriously? Get a freaking life. No one cares about how rich you are compaired to another person. Rich is having people that love and care for you, not the items you have or because you think your oh so pretty.|||Unless either of you bought this **** yourself, then it doesn't matter. Both of you sound spoiled and bratty. Who would I pick? Neither of you.|||your friend is hotter. mostly due to her incredible ability to tie her sandy blonde skin into a pony tail. I'd pay to see thatshit go down.|||Get over yourself! In ten years none of this will matter anyway. Spoiled rich kid but can you stand on your own 2 feet? That is what will make you rich and feel really good about yourself.|||Pretty sure you know that you are the more richer one.|||someone shut this troll up.

btw, 138 is a bit chunky for a model. just saying.|||You are what you think you are...

i think your friend more rich than's bcause she don't drink(alcoholic), date a lot guy, n didn't ask ''what is the richer.....''

:-)|||I'd rather be me any day than any of you|||Why does it matter? i would rather be someone happy.... oh wait i am!|||youre both hot with the lights out and my earplugs in|||Well, you mostly listed bad things about her, and good things about yourself. You seem pretty conceited as well. Plus, you listed just about every peice of technology you own as if to help yourself be better XD My advice to your friend, honestly, would be to not be friends with you anymore. I'm in a "friendship" right now with a girl who is always trying to be better than me. And trust me- I do not want to be her friend anymore because she turns everything into a competition.

I think I read waaayyy too deep into this XD|||You are spoiled, and thats nothing to be proud of. Shane on you. Plus, you need to be tall for modeling agencies to ask you to sign up. I'm a ***** myself, and i want to try weed too... Hows it feeling like?|||hmm... tough. i would have to say you guys are both equal in prettiness, due to the fact your really short and stuff, and shes tall, but model agencies call you... so i'd say you guys were even for hotness

For richness, i have to say you win. Your house Is more then 3 times bigger, you have a pool, she shops walmart, you shop prada etc... you're both pretty rich, but i'd have to say you're richer.

i think you many be a little more spoiled, since u don't work and get 300 a week, while she works, but not to say your mean or anything!

Lucky people!! *sigh* i wished i lived like that. well, cheers! and hope all that stuff makes you happy

=)|||You asked this twice. So I will answer twice. I'd rather be your friend because she seems like she has a chance of actually going kind of far in life compared to you who will live off of "daddy's" money that he apparently has.|||Do you model kids clothes? You are way too short to model anything else. But I think you're too heavy to do any real modeling either. Normal models have to be under a hundred pounds to get any real work, so don't rely on that because you're not runway material, trust me.

And how snobby can you honestly get? You have to ask a stupid question when you made a list of a bunch of crap you own compared to your friend's almost nothingness. She has the bare necessities of a teenage girl and you have that plus a lot more from what you listed. Dumb question and you just needed an ego boost.

You got drunk at that age. You're a bad person. You dated a bunch of guys before. You're a slut. You tried weed. You're pathetic. You think you're not that bad of a person personality wise. You're clueless.

Harsh, but real. Try taking the message instead of getting mad like I'm sure you will.

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